Jan 16, 2007

chiropractic marketing - niche marketing?

Like everyone else, I try to keep up with the latest ideas and web sites. Here is the blog for a friend of mine who is a fantastic marketing wizard.
She has been doing marketing for over 20 years and she has lots of successes in helping businesses do marketing.
Her company is Virtual Impax. Her blog is
No, she's not a chiropractor, but I think you'll find her ideas valuable. She has a new book "Beyond the Niche." I have ordered it, and I'll let you know more about it later.

For more information about setting up your marketing plan for your chiropractic practice, go to my website: dcpracticesuccess.com and order my book: Planning for Practice Success

I also have a weekly newsletter which you can subscribe to at dcp4ps.com

Jan 11, 2007

Paying Attention

The only factor becoming scarce in a world of abundance is human attention.
Kevin Kelly, in 'Wired'

Agree. Stephen Covey says (Habit #2) - First, seek to understand.

If you are not going to pay attention to and understand your patients, you won't have patients. What can you do to improve your attention skills?

1. Listen interactively - respond with a meaningful statement when you have heard what the person has to say.
2. Don't interrupt. Terrible habit. My husband accuses me of doing it; he's worse than I am. Pay attention and don't think about what you are going to say.
3. Remember important information about the person, like his/her name, children's names, pet names, spouse/significant other name, favorite food, last vacation etc. Take notes if you can't remember.

What are your comments? What can we do to pay attention to each other?


Read my weekly newsletter, now online at www.dcpracticesuccess.com

Jan 4, 2007

The Business of Marketing

A friend of mine is an expert marketer, and I would like to pass on some of her wisdom to you.

Check out her blog AttractionBiz.com for a great definition of Marketing:

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