Apr 25, 2007

What makes a great chiropractic web site?

Put a web site into your business plan. But be sure you consider the following six secrets to a great web site:

What makes a great web site – 6 top ideas:

  1. Descriptive tag lines that are the first thing people see, and one that clearly communicates your USP – don’t leave people guessing.
  2. Excellent content. You can get anyone to visit a site once, but they will come back if you solve their problems.
  3. Edited text. Less is better. Short paragraphs. Short words (no chiropractic jargon). Estimate the least amount of text on your site and cut that in half.
  4. Simple design. Don’t overuse colors, fonts, pr graphics. Use a clean style to look more professional. Take a lesson from Google, the best example of clean and simple.
  5. Keep a consistent layout. If you have a shopping cart, make sure it looks the same as the rest of your site.
  6. Maintain the site – keep changing content. Include events, new information.

Another good way to make your site more interesting is to create a blog. Use the blog to write about interesting cases (no names!) and how you were able to help people. Get patients to write testimonials in your blog.

A friend of mine has started a great new web service for chiropractors. She will walk you through the setup process and help you create a fantastic site. Check her out at www.easychiropracticwebsites.com

Apr 19, 2007

Families in Practice Together

I was asked the other day if family practices work out. Sometimes a family practice can be a wonderful thing. Working along with your spouse can be great. Having your kids in practice with you can be fun and bring you all together. Or not.

Horror stories abound:
The sister-in-law who embezzled over $10,000 from the practice then walked away because the owner was not willing to prosecute.

The father who treated his doctor son like slave labor, paying him less than minimum wage.

The kids who left the practice taking everything that wasn't nailed down, and some things that were (!)

Read my story in Chiropractic Economics and think carefully before you ask your brother-in-law to do your taxes for you. http://www.chiroeco.com/article/2006/Issue11/PM3.php

Read Planning for Practice Success for practical information on starting and operating a practice.

Families in Practice Together

I was asked the other day if family practices work out. Sometimes a family practice can be a wonderful thing. Working along with your spouse can be great. Having your kids in practice with you can be fun and bring you all together. Or not.

Horror stories abound:
The sister-in-law who embezzled over $10,000 from the practice then walked away because the owner was not willing to prosecute.

The father who treated his doctor son like slave labor, paying him less than minimum wage.

The kids who left the practice taking everything that wasn't nailed down, and some things that were (!)

Read my story in Chiropractic Economics and think carefully before you ask your brother-in-law to do your taxes for you. http://www.chiroeco.com/article/2006/Issue11/PM3.php

Mar 28, 2007

If you want patients you must SELL THEM on your practice

I always knew chiropractors don't consider themselves the same as everyone else. Now I'm sure of this. A few days ago, a chiropractor told me: "I'm not selling anything."

Really?! What is the best way to get patients - to SELL THEM on the concept of chiropractic and how you can help them by providing chiropractic care to them.

What is selling? The Free Dictionary (online) says (with my edits) :
1. To exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent.
2. To offer for sale, as for one's business or livelihood: The partners sell chiropractic care

a. To bring about or encourage sales of; promote: Good publicity sold the person on chiropractic.
b. To cause to be accepted; advocate successfully: We sold our services to the prospective patient.
6. To persuade (another) to recognize the worth or desirability of something: They sold me on the idea.

3. To attract prospective buyers; be popular on the market: an item that sells well (like chiropractic care)
4. To be approved of; gain acceptance, as in "chiropractic is selling...."
You are selling two things:
1. chiropractic in general
2. your practice as the choice for chiropractic care

Don't be afraid to get out there and sell.

Mar 19, 2007

Customer Service is Marketing

I always say that marketing is "Everything you do to GET and KEEP patients." Jay Conrad Levinson said it best in his classic book: Guerrilla Marketing; I just said it more succinctly. So, following that idea, it just makes sense that customer service must be considered as part of your marketing effort. If you spend lots of great money on ads so that people will call and ask for your service, you must then follow through to be certain that the experience people have with your service is EXCEPTIONAL. EVERY TIME. (Sorry, I get carried away with the caps sometimes, but I want you to visualize how important this concept is.) If you have a great ad and you don't follow through when people call or when they come into your office for a first appointment, you not only have wasted your advertising dollars, you have cost your practice much more, because people tell others about their experiences.

Case in point: Our cat was having problems and we were going out of town last weekend. We needed him looked at by a veterinarian right away. My husband called the vet that someone had recommended. After "hello," he heard, "Please hold." And he waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, he pressed the "end" button and said, "I don't care how good Diane said they were; we won't be going there." We called another vet, got a friendly, helpful person on the phone, and we were able to bring the cat in immediately and be on our way.

See what I mean? Most professionals live on recommendations. That's the way it works. But if your front office people don't get it, you have a problem.

Marketers understand the psychology of the buying process. After someone makes a decision to "buy," they begin what's called "post-purchase behavior." That is, they begin to evaluate whether they made the right decision. So when they call the office to make that first appointment, and when they come in for that first visit, they are evaluating. This is especially true for chiropractic services, if they are unfamiliar with chiropractic.

Maximize your marketing dollars by creating a fantastic customer service system in your office:
1. Make sure each one of your staff members understands the importance of EXCEPTIONAL customer service.
2. Put in place specific protocols for phone service and first visit (and every other visit, for that matter), to be sure prospects and new patients are treated with courtesy.

Eternal vigilance.

Mar 13, 2007

The Secret for Entrepreneurs

I subscribe to way too many blogs, newslettes, and e-zines, but I always get great stuff from them.
Here is a post from the Solo Entrepreneur which discusses concepts from The Secret:


If you want support, advice, encouragement in your work as a professional in practice, check out my weekly newsletter. Go to http://dcp4ps.com to subscribe.

Mar 4, 2007

Re-Invent Yourself

A dentist friend told me some time ago: You must re-invent yourself every six months or so.

This sounds like pretty short time frame, and it doesn't mean an "extreme make-over," but it should mean that every six months you sit back and ask, "What's working? What isn't?" and consider your marketing options.

Here are some examples :

Take a look at your web page. Does it need refreshed? Do you need to add new material?

What have you done lately to tell your patients that you appreciate them? Should you get a focus group together to get input from patients?

What have you done for your staff? Have they lost the excitement of working there? If you want them to stay, you might consider a fun day to plan some new activities or events or a new marketing look.

Do you run ads in a local "shopper" or the high school newspaper? If they have been running more than six months, they probably need re-freshed, since people stop looking after a while.

While you may still get new patients from referrals, if you don't do a "re-invention" every so often, I'll bet your patient numbers will gradually diminish as people lose interest. Think about it this way: If you don't care enough about your practice to keep things interesting, why should they keep coming back?

Find new advertising venues, find new places to present yourself to the public, new ways to excite your staff and your patients. Don't sit on the old; look toward the new.

Re-invent yourself!

For more ideas, check out this blog, and a great new marketing book: Beyond Niche Marketing
The author, Kathy Hendershot-Hurd, has many years of experience in marketing, and her book makes it easy to get energized.

Jan 16, 2007

chiropractic marketing - niche marketing?

Like everyone else, I try to keep up with the latest ideas and web sites. Here is the blog for a friend of mine who is a fantastic marketing wizard.
She has been doing marketing for over 20 years and she has lots of successes in helping businesses do marketing.
Her company is Virtual Impax. Her blog is
No, she's not a chiropractor, but I think you'll find her ideas valuable. She has a new book "Beyond the Niche." I have ordered it, and I'll let you know more about it later.

For more information about setting up your marketing plan for your chiropractic practice, go to my website: dcpracticesuccess.com and order my book: Planning for Practice Success

I also have a weekly newsletter which you can subscribe to at dcp4ps.com

Jan 11, 2007

Paying Attention

The only factor becoming scarce in a world of abundance is human attention.
Kevin Kelly, in 'Wired'

Agree. Stephen Covey says (Habit #2) - First, seek to understand.

If you are not going to pay attention to and understand your patients, you won't have patients. What can you do to improve your attention skills?

1. Listen interactively - respond with a meaningful statement when you have heard what the person has to say.
2. Don't interrupt. Terrible habit. My husband accuses me of doing it; he's worse than I am. Pay attention and don't think about what you are going to say.
3. Remember important information about the person, like his/her name, children's names, pet names, spouse/significant other name, favorite food, last vacation etc. Take notes if you can't remember.

What are your comments? What can we do to pay attention to each other?


Read my weekly newsletter, now online at www.dcpracticesuccess.com

Jan 4, 2007

The Business of Marketing

A friend of mine is an expert marketer, and I would like to pass on some of her wisdom to you.

Check out her blog AttractionBiz.com for a great definition of Marketing:

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