Apr 25, 2007

What makes a great chiropractic web site?

Put a web site into your business plan. But be sure you consider the following six secrets to a great web site:

What makes a great web site – 6 top ideas:

  1. Descriptive tag lines that are the first thing people see, and one that clearly communicates your USP – don’t leave people guessing.
  2. Excellent content. You can get anyone to visit a site once, but they will come back if you solve their problems.
  3. Edited text. Less is better. Short paragraphs. Short words (no chiropractic jargon). Estimate the least amount of text on your site and cut that in half.
  4. Simple design. Don’t overuse colors, fonts, pr graphics. Use a clean style to look more professional. Take a lesson from Google, the best example of clean and simple.
  5. Keep a consistent layout. If you have a shopping cart, make sure it looks the same as the rest of your site.
  6. Maintain the site – keep changing content. Include events, new information.

Another good way to make your site more interesting is to create a blog. Use the blog to write about interesting cases (no names!) and how you were able to help people. Get patients to write testimonials in your blog.

A friend of mine has started a great new web service for chiropractors. She will walk you through the setup process and help you create a fantastic site. Check her out at www.easychiropracticwebsites.com

Apr 19, 2007

Families in Practice Together

I was asked the other day if family practices work out. Sometimes a family practice can be a wonderful thing. Working along with your spouse can be great. Having your kids in practice with you can be fun and bring you all together. Or not.

Horror stories abound:
The sister-in-law who embezzled over $10,000 from the practice then walked away because the owner was not willing to prosecute.

The father who treated his doctor son like slave labor, paying him less than minimum wage.

The kids who left the practice taking everything that wasn't nailed down, and some things that were (!)

Read my story in Chiropractic Economics and think carefully before you ask your brother-in-law to do your taxes for you. http://www.chiroeco.com/article/2006/Issue11/PM3.php

Read Planning for Practice Success for practical information on starting and operating a practice.

Families in Practice Together

I was asked the other day if family practices work out. Sometimes a family practice can be a wonderful thing. Working along with your spouse can be great. Having your kids in practice with you can be fun and bring you all together. Or not.

Horror stories abound:
The sister-in-law who embezzled over $10,000 from the practice then walked away because the owner was not willing to prosecute.

The father who treated his doctor son like slave labor, paying him less than minimum wage.

The kids who left the practice taking everything that wasn't nailed down, and some things that were (!)

Read my story in Chiropractic Economics and think carefully before you ask your brother-in-law to do your taxes for you. http://www.chiroeco.com/article/2006/Issue11/PM3.php